Brand: | Oracle / Sun Microsystems |
Condition: | Refurbished and new (limited availability) |
Availability: | Contact |
Shipping Area: | Worldwide to most countries |
Shipping Method: | Fedex (most orders), UPS, DHL, Freight Courier |
Price: | Please use the quote form above for quick pricing |
Payment: | Credit Card, Check, Net Terms (oac), Wire Transfer (required for international orders) |
Guarantee: | All items are tested by Oracle trained technicians & backed by a 100% warranty |
Questions? | Don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions regarding compatibility or other product info and requests. Our website represents only a fraction of our full inventory. Please reach out with your full requirements |
Serial Number Location | Located on the board – board needs to be removed to get access to the serial number. |
371-4725 | 371-4726 | 375-3650 | 375-3651 | 375-3652 |
4GB DDR3-1066 4GB DDR3-1333 2-Rank/2Gbit SDRAM Very Low Profile DIMM |
8GB DDR3-xxxx no avl datasheets Very Low Profile DIMM |
0MB FRU 2x 1.73GHz 4-Core |
4x4GB Memory 2x 1.73GHz 4-Core CP3270-1730H-16GB [S] |
8x4GB Memory 2x 1.73GHz 4-Core CP3270-1730H-32GB [S] |
Table Legend |
[C] = Customer Replaceable Unit (CRU) [S] = Supported but can no longer be ordered |
594-6374 371-4725 [C] |
16GB Memory Option XCP3000RAM16GB3KIT [S] |
594-4678 375-3525 [C] |
CompactFlash Option XCP3000-CF-16GB-Z [S] |
594-5117 375-3543 [C] 373-0224 |
Disk Drive Rear Transition Card Option XCP32X0-RTM-HD-Z |
594-4758 375-3541-02 375-3543 [C] 540-7152 [C] 541-0605 |
Disk Drive Rear Transition Card Option XCP32X0-RTM-HD1-Z [S] |
594-4758 375-3541-03 375-3543 [C] 540-7851 [C] 350-1286 540-7152 [C] 540-7847 |
Disk Drive Rear Transition Card Option XCP32X0-RTM-HD1-Z [S] |
594-4759 375-3542-02 375-3543 [C] 540-7152 [C] |
Disk Drive Rear Transition Card Option XCP32X0-RTM-HD2-Z [S] |
594-4759 375-3542-03 375-3543 [C] 540-7851 [C] 380-1286 540-7152 [C] |
Disk Drive Rear Transition Card Option XCP32X0-RTM-HD2-Z [S] |
594-6370 375-3651 351-0007 371-4725 [C] 375-3650 [C] 371-4762 [C] |
CP3270 Option CP3270-1730H-16GB [S] |
594-6371 375-3652 371-4725 [C] 375-3650 [C] 371-4762 [C] |
CP3270 Option CP3270-1730H-32GB [S] |
594-6764 542-0316 [C] 350-1286 540-7867 542-0384 |
Option XCP32X0-RTM-300GBD [S] |
594-6535 375-3669 375-3667 [C] 542-0316 [C] 350-1286 540-7867 542-0384 |
Option XCP32X0-RTMHD2300D [S] |
Industry Leading Quality, Support and Integrity
Quality Inspection Checklist
Before it leaves our facility, every used and refurbished item is thoroughly inspected by our certified technicians and undergoes our exclusive Quality Inspection Checklist to ensure 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Greentec Systems is a leading provider
For server, networking and storage equipment. We have an extensive array of inventory of IBM Servers & Storage, Sun Servers & Storage, Cisco Networking (Switches, Routers, Security), and NetApp Storage (disk shelves, disk drives, Filers, NearStore, NetCache). If you don’t see the item or product you require please contact us.
Have this equipment to sell?
Depending on the age and condition of the equipment, there is a very good likelihood that we will be able to offer you cash or trade-in credit for other IT hardware. If the equipment is very old we can also assist you with properly decommissioning that gear in the most environmentally friendly way possible.
For more information please contact 888.333.7388, or fill out the quote from above. We’d love to hear from you.