An OracleSun Timeline – All You Wanted to Know About the Acquisition
Before being acquired by Oracle to add to their growing popularity, Sun Microsystems was a remarkable company itself, producing some of the world’s most renowned software and hardware products.
Founded in 1982, Sun Microsystems had an incredible timeline of triumphs right up until its acquisition by Oracle in 2010.
Timeline of Sun Microsystems
Let us take a walk through the years and look at the remarkable achievements of Sun.
- 1980- Sun‘s 386i computer system was incorporated with the Intel 80386 chip. The system was added along with the Sun-1, Sun-2 and Sun-3 machines that powered by the Motorola 68000 series CPUs.
- 1987- 32 bit SPARC processor named SPARC V7 was created, and eventually incorporated into computer system Sun-4.
- 1995- 64 bit SPARC processor, called SPARC V9 was released, as an upgrade from V7.
- The 1990s- Sun Microsystems developed the Java at form, based on WORA (Wrote Once Run Anywhere).
- 2004- Sun introduced UltraSPARC IV, the first multi-core SPARC processor. It also incorporated Microsoft into its x64 series of servers, in contrast to the previous x84.
- 2005- New version of UltraSPARC, UltraSPARCT1 made by Sun which supports 32 threads with 8 processors. Sun developed the Solaris 10 platform was which was later upgraded by Oracle in 2013.
Timeline of Oracle Corporation
Oracle has been at the forefront of creating many new technologies for the world today, and so the milestones are many.
1979- Oracle introduced SQL RDBMS inspired by IBM’s SEQEL.
1983- Oracle released Database with Vax mode.
1984- Oracle developed the first database with read consistency.
1986- Successfully created a client-server DBMS.
1987- Designed multiple Unix platform-based apps.
1988- PL/SQL made by the company.
1995- RDBMS with 64 bit built.
1996- Introduced web supported architecture into its endeavors.
1999- DBMS with the ability to access XML files added.
2001- First company to hold a world record for completing 3TB TPC-4.
2002- Became the company to have created the first database to pass 15 security checks.
2005- Introduced 10G database. In the following years, they released 11G and 12C databases.
2010- Acquired Sun Microsystems
2013- Oracle 12c database with cloud introduced, incorporating Solaris from Sun Microsystems.
The marriage between Sun Microsystems and Oracle Corporation created a product boost so huge that presently their software and hardware design levels are unmatched. These include SPARC SuperCluster T4-4, Oracle Solaris, and the very recent Java 7.