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Refurbished IBM Server Discounted Sale – AIX, Power 7, Power 8, Power 7+

discounted ibm server, sale refurbished ibm server, sale discounted ibm power 7, sale ibm power 7+, discounted aix pseries ibm server Refurbished IBM Server Discounted Sale – AIX, Power 7, Power 8, Power 7+ IBM Power 720 Express





    IBM Servers and Parts

    Please contact us for pricing on discounted IBM Power7, Power7+, Power8, p5, p6, AS400 and pSeries servers. Price proposals usually have a response time of just a few hours.
    Please use the contact form in the upper right hand corner.

    Thank you.

    discounted ibm server, sale refurbished ibm server, sale discounted ibm power 7, sale ibm power 7+, discounted aix pseries ibm server Refurbished IBM Server Discounted Sale – AIX, Power 7, Power 8, Power 7+ Screen 2BShot 2B2016 09 22 2Bat 2B11

    POWER8™ Scale-Out     8286   41A     EPX6        1
    3.7GHz (8-way)

    POWER8 Scale-Out     8286    42A     EPXE        1

    3.8GHz (6-way)

    POWER8 Scale-Out     8286    42A     EPXF        1
    4.1GHz (8-way)

    POWER8 Scale-Out     8286    42A     EPXE        2
    3.8GHz (12-way)

    POWER8 Scale-Out     8286    42A     EPXF        2
    4.1GHz (16-way)

    PPWER8 Scale-Out     8286    42A     EPXH        2
    3.5GHz (24-way)

    POWER8 Scale-Out      8284    22A     EPXD        2
    3.4GHz (20-way)

    POWER8 Scale-Out     8247    21L     ELP3        1
    3.0GHz (12-way)

    POWER8 Scale-Out     8247    22L     ELP4        2
    3.0GHz (24-way)

    discounted ibm server, sale refurbished ibm server, sale discounted ibm power 7, sale ibm power 7+, discounted aix pseries ibm server Refurbished IBM Server Discounted Sale – AIX, Power 7, Power 8, Power 7+ ibm virtualization techday v20 final 38 728

    Power® 710 Express®  8231    E1D     EPCE        1
    POWER7+™ 3.6 GHz

    Power 710 Express    8231    E1D     EPCG        1
    POWER7+ 4.2 GHz

    Power 710 Express    8231    E1D     EPCJ        1
    POWER7+ 4.2 GHz

    Power 730 Express    8231    E2D     EPCF        2
    POWER7+ 4.3 GHz

    Power 730 Express    8231    E2D     EPCG        2
    POWER7+ 4.2 GHz

    Power 730 Express    8231    E2D     EPCH        2
    POWER7+ 3.6 GHz

    Power 730 Express    8231    E2D     EPCJ        2
    POWER7+ 4.2 GHz

    Power 720 Express    8202    E4D     EPCK        1
    POWER7+ 3.6 GHz

    Power 720 Express    8202    E4D     EPCL        1
    POWER7+ 3.6 GHz

    Power 720 Express    8202    E4D     EPCM        1
    POWER7+ 3.6 GHz

    Power 740 Express    8205    E6D     EPCP        1
    POWER7+ 4.2 GHz

    Power 740 Express    8205    E6D     EPCQ        1
    POWER7+ 3.6 GHz

    Power 740 Express    8205    E6D     EPCR        1
    POWER7+ 4.2 GHz

    Power 740 Express    8205    E6D     EPCP        2
    POWER7+ 4.2 GHz

    Power 740 Express    8205    E6D     EPCQ        2
    POWER7+ 3.6 GHz

    Power 740 Express    8205    E6D     EPCR        2
    POWER7+ 4.2 GHz

    Power 750 Express    8408    E8D     EPT8        1
    POWER7+ 3.5 GHz

    Power 750 Express    8408    E8D     EPT8        2
    POWER7+ 3.5 GHz

    Power 750 Express    8408    E8D     EPT8        3
    POWER7+ 3.5 GHz

    Power 750 Express     8408    E8D    EPT8         4
    POWER7+ 3.5 GHz

    Power 750 Express    8408    E8D     EPT7        1
    POWER7+ 4.0 GHz

    Power 750 Express    8408    E8D     EPT7        2
    POWER7+ 4.0 GHz

    Power 750 Express    8408    E8D     EPT7        3
    POWER7+ 4.0 GHz

    Power 750 Express    8408    E8D     EPT7        4
    POWER7+ 4.0 GHz

    Power 760 Express    9109    RMD     EPT5        1 – 12
    POWER7+ 3.1 GHz                                 13 – 24
    (12-48 way)                                     25 – 36
    36 – 48      6,750

    Power 760 Express    9109    RMD     EPT6        1 – 12
    POWER7+ 3.4 GHz                                13 – 24
    (12-48 way)                                    25 – 36
    36 – 48      8,500

    Power 770 POWER7+    9117    MMD     EPMB        4 – 7
    3.8 GHz (4-64 way)                              8 – 15
    16 – 23      8,000
    24 – 31     12,000
    32 – 39     16,000
    40 – 47     20,000
    48 – 55     24,000
    56 – 63     27,000
    64          30,000

    Power 770 POWER7+    9117    MMD     EPMA        6
    4.2 GHz (6-48 way)                              7 – 11
    12 – 17      8,000
    18 – 23     14,000
    24 – 29     18,000
    30 – 35     24,000
    36 – 41     30,000
    42 – 47     36,000
    48          40,000

    Power 780 POWER7®   9179    MHC     5339        4 – 7
    3.9/4.14 GHz                                     8 – 15
    (4-64 way)                                     16 – 23
    24 – 31     32,000
    32 – 39     40,000
    40 – 47     44,000
    48 – 55     60,000
    56 – 63     68,000
    64          80,000

    Power 780 POWER7     9179    MHC     EP25        4 – 7
    3.44 GHz (4-96 way)                             8 – 15
    16 – 23     18,000
    24 – 31     24,000
    32 – 39     30,000
    40 – 47     36,000
    48 – 55     40,000
    56 – 63     47,000
    64 – 71     54,000
    72 – 79     60,000
    80 – 87     67,000
    88 – 95     74,000
    96          80,000

    Power 780 POWER7+    9179    MHD     EPHA        4 – 7
    4.42 GHz (4-64 way)                             8 – 15
    16 – 23     24,000
    24 – 31     32,000
    32 – 39     40,000
    40 – 47     44,000
    48 – 55     60,000
    56 – 63     68,000
    64          80,000

    Power 780 POWER7+    9179    MHD     EPHC        4 – 7
    3.72 GHz (4-128 way)                            8 – 15
    16 – 23     20,000
    24 – 31     30,000
    32 – 39     40,000
    40 – 47     48,000
    48 – 55     56,000
    56 – 63     70,000
    64 – 71    80,000
    72 – 79     88,000
    80 – 87     96,000
    88 – 95    104,000
    96 – 103   110,000
    104 – 111   118,000
    112 – 119   126,000
    120 – 127   132,000
    128         140,000
    Power 795            9119    FHB        4713     6 – 31
    (4.0/4.25 GHz                                  32 – 63
    6- to 256-way)
    4717     1
    & 4713    0 – 31
    or 4713    64 – 95

    4717     1
    & 4713    32 – 63
    or 4713    96 – 127

    4717     2
    & 4713     0 – 31
    or 4713   128 – 159

    4717     2
    & 4713    32 – 63
    or 4713   160 – 191

    4717     3
    & 4713     0 – 31
    or 4713   192 – 223

    4717     3
    & 4713    32 – 63
    or 4713   224 – 255

    4717     4
    or 4713   256         240,000

    IBM Replaced Machine(s)

    Machine           (in any        Feature    Trade-in
    type      Model   combination)   quantity   credit

    pSeries®, System p®, and Power servers

    PS700 POWER7    8406      70Y     8405 or          4         $   500
    3.0 GHz (4-way)                  8405 and         2
    8406             2

    PS701 POWER7    8406      71Y     8411 or          8             500
    3.0 GHz (8-way)                  8411 and         4
    8412             4

    PS702 POWER7    8406      71Y     8411 or         16           1,000
    3.0 GHz (16-way)                 8411 and         8
    8412             8

    PS703 POWER7    7891      73X     8408 or         16
    2.4 GHz (16-way)                8408 and         8
    8415             8

    PS704 POWER7    7891      74X     8408 or         32
    2.4 GHz (32-way)                 8408 and        16
    8415            16

    Power 710       8231      E1C     EPC1             1
    3.0 GHz (4-way)

    Power 710       8231      E1C     EPC2             1
    3.72 GHz (6-way)

    Power 710       8231      E1C     EPC3             1
    3.55 GHz (8-way)

    Power 730       8231      E2C     EPC1             2
    3.0 GHz (8-way)

    Power 730       8231      E2C     EPC4             2
    3.72 GHz (8-way)

    Power 730       8231      E2C     EPC2             2
    3.72 GHz (12-way)

    Power 730       8231      E2C     EPC3             2
    3.55 GHz (16-way)

    Power 720       8202      E4C     EPC5             1
    3.0 GHz (4-way)

    Power 720       8202      E4C     EPC6             1
    3.0 GHz (6-way)

    Power 720       8202      E4C     EPC7             1
    3.0 GHz (8-way)

    Power 740       8205      E6C     EPC9             1
    3.3 GHz (4-way)

    Power 740       8205      E6C     EPC9             2
    3.3 GHz (8-way)

    Power 740       8205      E6C     EPC8             1
    3.72 GHz (4-way)

    Power 740       8205      E6C     EPCA             1
    3.72 GHz (6-way)

    Power 740       8205      E6C     EPC8             2
    3.72 GHz (8-way)

    Power 740       8205      E6C     EPCA             2
    3.72 GHz (12-way)

    Power 740       8205      E6C     EPCB             1
    3.55 GHz (8-way)

    Power 740       8205      E6C     EPCB             2
    3.55 GHz (16-way)

    Power 770       9117     MMC      5334             4 – 7
    POWER7                                            8 – 15
    3.3 GHz (4-64 way)                               16 – 23
    24 – 31     12,000
    32 – 39     16,000
    40 – 47     20,000
    48 – 55     24,000
    56 – 63     27,000
    64          30,000

    Power 770       9117      MMC     5329             6           4,000
    POWER7                                             7 – 11      6,000
    3.72 GHz (6-48 way)                              12 – 17      8,000
    18 – 23     14,000
    24 – 29     18,000
    30 – 35     24,000
    36 – 41     30,000
    42 – 47     36,000
    48          40,000

    Power 710       8231      E2B     ALL            N/A        $ 8,000
    Power 720       8202      E4B     ALL            N/A          13,000
    Power 740       8205      E6B     ALL            N/A          15,000
    Power 750       8233      E8B     ALL             N/A         17,000

    Power 770       9117      MMB     5468             4 – 7      30,000
    POWER7                                            8 – 15     40,000
    (4- to 64-way)                                   16 – 23     50,000
    24 – 31     60,000
    32 – 39     75,000
    40 – 47     90,000
    48 – 55    100,000
    56 – 63    110,000
    64         120,000

    Power 770       9117      MMB     5459             6          20,000
    POWER7                                            7 – 11     30,000
    (6- to 48-way)                                   12 – 17     40,000
    18 – 23     50,000
    24 – 29     60,000
    30 – 35     70,000
    36 – 41     80,000
    42 – 47     90,000
    48         100,000

    p5 505 server   9115      505     ALL
    p5 510 server   9110      510     ALL            N/A
    p5 51A server   9110      51A     ALL            N/A
    p5 520 server   9111      520     ALL            N/A
    p5 550 server   9113      550     ALL            N/A
    p5 52A server   9131      52A     ALL            N/A
    p5 55A server   9133      55A     ALL            N/A
    p6 520 server   8203      E4A     ALL            N/A
    p6 550 server   8204      E8A     ALL            N/A

    p5 560 server   9116      561     7781            1
    (4- to 16-way)                                   2
    4            7,000

    p6 560 Express  8234      EMA     7537            1
    (4- to 16-way)                                   2            5,000
    4            8,000

    p5 560 server   9116      561     7295            1
    (4- to 16-way)                                   2            7,000
    4           12,000

    p5 570 server   9117      570     7929 and/or     2

    (2- to 8-way                     8452           4
    8            5,000

    p5 570 server   9117      570     7897 and/or    2 – 4
    (2- to 16-way)                    8452 or         5 – 8        5,000
    7898 and/or     9 – 11      10,000
    8454 or        12 – 15      14,000
    7899 and/or    16           17,000
    8455 or
    7618 or

    p6 Power 570    9117      MMA     5403 or        4 – 7        10,000
    (4- to 16-way)                   5670 or        8 – 11       10,000
    3.5/4.2/4.4/                     5672 or       12 – 15       20,000
    4.7 GHz                          7306          16            25,000

    p6 Power 570    9117      MMA     7700 or        4 – 7        10,000
    (4- to 32-way)                   7719 or        8 – 11       12,000
    4.2 DU/5.0 GHz                                 12 – 15       20,000
    16 – 19       25,000
    20 – 23       30,000
    24 – 27       35,000
    28 – 31       40,000
    32            45,000

    p5 Model 590    9119      590     7925 or        8 – 15       10,000
    (8- to 32-way)                   7667          16 – 23       10,000
    24 – 31       15,000
    32            20,000

    p5 Model 595    9119      595     7815 or       16 – 23       10,000
    (16- to 64-way)                  7990 or       24 – 31       15,000
    7668 or       32 – 39       20,000
    7693          40 – 47       20,000
    48 – 55       25,000
    56 – 64       30,000

    P6 Model 595    9119      FHA     4754 or       16 – 23       15,000
    (16- to 64-way)                  4755          24 – 31       15,000
    32 – 39       20,000
    40 – 47       25,000
    48 – 55       30,000
    56 – 64       35,000

    AS/400®, iSeries®, and System i® servers

    9401     150      ALL           N/A          $ 250
    940X     170      ALL           N/A             250
    940X     250      ALL           N/A             250
    940X     270      ALL           N/A             250
    940X     800      ALL           N/A             400
    940X     810      ALL           N/A           1,000
    940X     820      ALL           N/A           1,000
    940X     825      ALL           N/A           1,500
    940X     830      ALL           N/A           1,000
    940X     840      ALL           N/A           1,500
    940X     720      ALL           N/A             750
    940X     730      ALL           N/A             750
    940X     740      ALL           N/A           1,000
    940X     600      ALL           N/A             250
    940X     620      ALL           N/A             250
    940X     640      ALL           N/A             300
    940X     650      ALL           N/A             300
    940X     S10      ALL           N/A             250
    940X    S20      ALL           N/A             250
    940X     S30      ALL           N/A             300
    940X     S40      ALL           N/A             300
    940X     520      ALL           N/A             450
    9406     525      ALL           N/A           1,000
    9406     550      ALL           N/A           2,000
    9407     M15      ALL           N/A           2,000
    9407     515      ALL           N/A             500
    9408     M25      ALL           N/A           4,000
    9409     M50      ALL           N/A           8,000

    p5 570 server   9406     570      7897 and/or    2 – 4        3,000
    (2- to 16-way)                    8452 or        5 – 8        5,000
    7618           9 – 11      10,000
    12 – 15      14,000
    16           17,000

    p6 Power 570    9406     MMA      5403 or        4 – 7       10,000
    (4- to 16-way)                                  8 – 11      10,000
    12 – 15      20,000
    16           25,000

    p5 Model 595    9406     595      7815 or       16 – 23      10,000
    (16- to 64-way)                  7925 or       24 – 31      15,000
    7668          32 – 39      20,000
    40 – 47     20,000
    48 – 55      25,000
    56 – 64      30,000

    00P6130 IBM 5701 10/100/1000 Base-TX Ethernet PCI-X Adapter 4
    03N5297 IBM 5706 2-Port 10/100/1000 Base-TX Ethernet PCI-X Adapter 2
    03N6441 IBM 280B 2GB Single Port Fibre PCI-X HBA 12
    09P3811 1GB, 1024MB 200pin SDRAM Memory 4
    09P5023 4962 IBM 10/100 Mbps PCI Ethernet Adapter II 2
    10N7255 IBM 5774 4Gbps dual port PCI express fibre HBA 2
    39J0473 Processor Power Regulator 12
    39R6593 IBM PCI-E Dual Port 4 GB Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapter 8
    43X5070 8GB PC3-8500R DDR3-1066 REG ECC 240 PIN 1.5V MEMORY MODULE 32
    43X5369 2.26GHz 6.40GT/s QPI 24MB L3 Cache Intel Xeon X7560 8 Core Processor 4
    43X5393 INTEL XEON 6 CORE PROCESSOR X5680 3.33GHZ 2
    44V5556 IBM 3GB Sas Raid Dual PCie Hba 1
    44V5648 Processor Power Regulator 3
    45D3367 4GB DDR2 SDRAM PC-5300 Memory 8
    49Y1445 4GB PC3-10600R DDR3-1333 REGISTERED ECC DIMM 12
    49Y4205 NetXtreme II 1000 Express Dual-Port Ethernet Adapter 3
    49Y7759 Heatsink 4
    53P3232 2GB, Dimm Memory 64
    59Y6191 Memory Expansion Card w/ 8 Slots 8
    69Y1207 Heatsink 2
    7026-6H1 IBM eServer pSeries 660 Model 6H1 Server 1
    7145-AC1 IBM System x3850 X5 Server 1
    7879-001 IBM System P570 eServer 7879 System Drawer Enclosure 4
    7890-001 IBM System P560 eServer 7890 System Drawer Enclosure 1
    7945-AC1 IBM X3650 M3 Server 1
    7L9758 512Mb DIMM RAM Memory 4
    80P5319 IBM  PCI-x Srvice Processor Card 1
    ACS32 Cyclades AlterPath ACS32 Console Server  32 port 1
    FN25BF IBM 668MHz 6-way RS64 IV Processor 8MB L2 Cache, 53P0447 1
    FN26F2 IBM p570 1.65GHz 2-Way P5 Processor Board 03N5692 8
    FN7537 IBM p560  3.6GHz 0/4 Core POWER6 Processor Board 46K6894 2

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    Before it leaves our facility, every used and refurbished item is thoroughly inspected by our certified technicians and undergoes our exclusive Quality Inspection Checklist to ensure 100% satisfaction guarantee.

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    Have this equipment to sell?
    Depending on the age and condition of the equipment, there is a very good likelihood that we will be able to offer you cash or trade-in credit for other IT hardware. If the equipment is very old we can also assist you with properly decommissioning that gear in the most environmentally friendly way possible.

    For more information please contact 888.333.7388, or fill out the quote from above. We’d love to hear from you.

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